The Make Bank content + storytelling support

The Make Bank is a social project and charitable organisation tackling creative poverty in UK schools and striving for true representation in the creative industries. 

They do this by providing creative kits for disadvantaged UK-based pupils wishing to study art and design from the age of 13. The organisation also offers mentoring and partnerships to those that need it.

The Make Bank is a brilliant organisation doing valuable work within the creative community. I got in touch with founder, Kirsty Thomas, and offered up some of my time. She asked me if I could help her improve the storytelling side of their site while keeping workloads for the volunteer team manageable.

I created an interview template complete with a series of questions and guidelines for creatives to complete. I also offered advice for ways to gain wider visibility within the industry and additional coverage in the press.


South Coast Makers Market: press release + press pack


News writing + product curation